
Council Responsibilites

The Law Enforcement Torch Run International Executive Council is responsible for the following:

Further the mission and purpose of the Law Enforcement Torch Run.
Implement and comply with the Council policies and procedures
Schedule meetings and conference calls as necessary to carry out the mission, purpose and business of the Law Enforcement Torch Run.
Oversee and coordinate the annual Law Enforcement Torch Run International Conference.
Set goals and objectives for the Council that are reviewed and updated annually.
Submit an annual Council budget for approval by SOI and inclusion in the SOI budget.
Establish and oversee Council committees.
Identify and establish a sufficient number of Law Enforcement Torch Run regions to represent all Law Enforcement Torch Run participants worldwide.
International Executive Council
Council Roles

The membership of the Law Enforcement Torch Run Executive Council comprises the following:

Chairman Emeritus (1)
Chairman (1)
Special Olympics Appointees (2)
Special Olympics At-Large (3)
Special Olympics Athlete Appointee (2)
IACP Appointees (2)
Council Appointees (2)
Law Enforcement At-Large (3)
Regional Coordinators (14)

Standing Committees

Communications & Training Committee
Elections Committee
Final Leg Planning Committee
Finance Committee
IACP Committee
International Conference Planning Committee
Marketing and Partnerships Committee
Policies and Procedures Committee
Region Coordinators Committee
Strategic Plan Oversight Committee