Jose Moreno

Special Olympics Athlete Appointee

Council member since 2024

Current Term expires in 2026

Illinois, USA

Jose Moreno is a Special Olympics athlete with Illinois and currently serves as an Athlete Appointee on the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) International Executive Council and their Partnership and Outreach Committee. His involvement with LETR stems from a desire to educate police officers about his experiences as an athlete leader. Over the years, Jose has actively participated in numerous LETR events, including Golf Outings, Plane Pulls, Truck Convoys, Tip a Cop, Dunkin Cop on a Rooftop, as well as various Special Olympics and LETR fundraising activities. His commitment to these events showcases his dedication to fostering a deeper connection between law enforcement and the Special Olympics community.

In addition to his role with LETR, Jose is a certified athlete leader and a Special Olympics shoutcaster for Esports. A graduate of Niles North High School in 2002, Jose is bilingual, speaking both English and Spanish fluently. His diverse skill set, and personal achievements highlight his ability to lead and inspire within the Special Olympics and beyond. Jose’s passion for advocacy and community engagement continues to make a significant impact on those around him.